Remineralising + Whitening Hemp Toothpaste
Teeth have been seen as a permanent bodily structure but in actual fact the minerals in our teeth are constantly being used up and replaced, ever changing due to the needs dictated by our lifestyle factors. The teeth you have as a teen, will not have the same cells as the teeth you have as an adult, they will be completely replaced.
The best way to remineralise your teeth is via eating a nutrient dense diet however there are specific minerals that are able to be used by the porous surfaces on your teeth.
Also, we all know that conventional toothpaste often includes and array of nasty ingredients from fluoride to artificial carcinogenic sweeteners. Considering a lot of toothpaste ends up being ingested it is so important to have toothpaste that doesn't contain toxins.
This homemade toothpaste both whitens and remineralises teeth gently.
- 3 tablespoons of activated charcoal
- 3 tablespoons of bentonite clay
- 2 tablespoons of bicarbonate soda (aluminium free)
- 1 tablespoon of powdered turmeric
- 3 tablespoons Hemple Hemp Seed Oil
- 10 drops peppermint essential oil
- 10 drops magnesium oil
- 3 drops clove essential oil
Measure dry ingredients into a small bowl.
Add the remaining oils and stir.
Store in a small glass jar with a lid.
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